Wednesday, July 13, 2011

race of life

over the past week or 2 i've been trying to get my running distance up to a full 4 miles straight. i've got two down without a problem, im pushing three, but i really want to get 4. the new route that i take doesn't allow me to cheat because it's a big circle that's actually a tad bit more than 4 miles! there are a few hills as well so it's definitely a challenging run.
unfortunately last nights run would have been my first time running in about 4 days... i knew it had been a while, but i was just going to take it slow, and see how long i could go!
about a quarter way thru a little brown dog comes running out, off his porch into his yard barking! he's small, but he's got a serious attitude! and i could totally imagine him latching on to my leg! but when i stopped at the edge i figured i was good... thinking he either had an electric fence or he just didn't venture out of his yard... so i started running again... and then he chased me!! i picked up speed so fast i literally felt like i was about to fall  over myself! but i was flyin! when i got back to the house, i checked my speed at that point in my run, i tracked time of 4:11/mi for a good 300 feet!! that lil dog could run!! ...

but that's not the point of this post.. :)

since i had not run in a while, my body was NOT ready to even get to a full 3 miles... i stopped waaay short of that goal, and had to walk alot sooner and a lot longer than i normally would... more than one time.. when i finally made it to 3 miles, i made three key changes in my run. 1. i lifted up my head.. all thru most of my runs my heads either at the ground or just kind of straight ahead. but at this point my chin was in the air! this gave me the opportunity to 2. get and keep a view of the end of my run in sight. as i felt my running change i told myself 3. i have to make this last mile, i can do it. just like i said to myself at the race i ran, i've come this far, i got a good little walk in earlier, i can't go home having walked a whole mile!

now don't get me wrong, this last mile was probably my slowest running, but it was my most consistent! i could see me progress as i kept my head up knowing that if i just kept going the end would soon be mine. 

so as we run this christian race, i implore us to keep our end in mind. i sometimes think of questioning, what are we living towards? what's our end goal? if it's to the comfort of a large house, perfect children, or the car you wanted, or in my case, just to the end of the corner, that's not going to cut it in the big picture. our major goal is Heaven, and every minor goal leading up to it, should do exactly that.. lead towards it, not add more things that will weigh us down, or give us false victories. 

and then keep ya head up! from the scriptural standpoint the text Luke 21:18 rose to the surface: "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" the "things" mentioned were the events leading up to Christ's return, the event that will get us to heaven! but if we keep our heads down worrying about the things going on right now our reality will always be here. the only thing you can do to affect what you current situation is, is to run! looking at where you are, or where you were won't get you to where you want to be... just keep running...

now from the physiolocgial standpoint, i found some interesting things. ONE excerpt from an article from i read stated "when it comes to running form, dropping your head while your running and staring at the ground puts lots of extra stress on your upper body. That makes for tight muscles and eventually leads to slouching, which will really effect form and running performance." so not only does running with your head down bring you down mentally, but it also can drain your body physically as well!

the other article from the US Race Calendar stated "Keep your head up, arms down and look straight ahead. You can breathe much better with your head up because your rib cage is expanded but when you are bent over there is less room to breathe. If there is a natural tendency to lower your head, look down, lean forward and raise your arms, work to avoid it." WHAT?! our NATURAL TENDANCY?! does that not sound familiar! are not our natural tendencies bent towards sin, and being comfortable with this world? do we not need to breathe in the air of Christ on a daily basis, especially before and during the many trials and struggles we face in our lives? 

.. i was never great at summations :/.. take what you may! it took me a couple days to complete this (i ran monday evening) but it all came together this morning.. keep your head up, your eyes on the prize, and never let the dogs get to you :)