Wednesday, February 17, 2010
doing what you love...

...what a day!
mercy... what a day today was! tuesday's and thursday's are my busiest days... the kinda days that you just run thru, not remembering much, but the goal is to successfully get to the end without any major problems occurring. it started off unusual as i spent the nite at some of my friends house because i didn't want to risk being stuck at home again like i was yesterday due to the snow, and heavy winter weather. so i didn't go thru my normal routine, missed breakfast at the cafe, got played at the library. since the campus was shut down (on today of all days, there clearer of the two days compared to yesterday when the weather was WORSE!)... the campus was shut down till 10:00, chapel time, and that included the library where i wanted to study until chapel... so i sat in my car and read some of Romans until chapel.(inspired by old mrs. Cartwright, the lady who swipes students into the cafe in the mornings. She had never seen me come in before, and warned me that i shouldn't get breakfast this morning because the hot food was shot down. she then proceeded to tell me a little about herself, and how she basically was depressed for a while, after her husband died, but God gave her the opportunity to go back to her home country, and do some missionary work. she didn't want to come back to work at the school, but upon her return she heard that the students actually missed her, and is now determined to take advantage of every day of life God continues to give her and be a blessing to others... quite a testimony this morning!)..... froze my toes in the process! Chapel today was presented by two huntsville police officers... the main officer... cock diesel brotha, swole as i don't know! but he presented the danger of gangs, and a number of other issues that are pertinent to Oakwood right now considering all the violence going on right now. As i was shooting, i saw a white young lady with a video camera covering the event. i spoke with her afterward... i really need to work on my public speaking, especially when the person could be a possible contact for a future job (she works for WAFF), but i definitely stuttered thru the whole conversation... we both seemed to be excitedly conversing though. just before that though, one of the vice presidents of the school came over to me, and without much of a greeting asked me if was shooting and covered the program... as if that was all i was worth to them, like if i hadn't he would chastise me for not shooting... as if he doesn't always see me with my camera at just about every event... i guess i just felt like a worker, and not student, and like his single interest in me was whether or not i took pictures....
NEWHO i've got this project for multimedia due... thursday. we have most of it completed, its just the last few things, transitions, voice overs, etc that need to get done... as i was working with my group though, this thing called "senioritis" crept into my being.... the feeling of carelessness... especially for my next class... one of the few classes business majors have to take to walk, and have heard stories since freshman year about how horrible, the teacher and in turn the class is... the man (and i later learned its the same way across the board) gets excited if you get a 50% on his test!... he said very good to a girl that got a 68%... took me way off guard.. he does curve, which is good, but the man just can't teach! and the whole class... since like 2005 knows it! this is one class that will be the test of my college career... if i can get thru this, i know i'll be able to make it.. WOW!
NEWHO took my time coming back on campus. Stopped by the market to get a little something in my stomach, sat down and talked with a girl friend of mine about life in general... it really is just good to get stuff out sometimes. i was voted as the male senior with most school spirit, so i had to go take pictures for the yearbook spread for that.... never happened cuz the female never showed, and i had to get to choir practice which i was already late for. left in record time and made it to the library to join another girl friend of mine in a study room. ran into my play sister from atl, but the conversation me and the first girl had is what sticks... it was pretty deep about relationships, and her relating to guys, not being able to settle down, or realize the difference between a guy whose honestly interested and one that's just gonna play her down the road, either sooner or later... did get a text from my twin, a God-send, such a life text...1 Peter 4:10, 11... read it, marinate on it.... apply it... pretty amazing. ran into another friend of min leaving, who reminded me of my 365 project, so b4 i went home, i took a walk around campus... take in all of the day, wind down. got an OK shot of some shadows on a tree with it's limbs.... nothing major, but it got me a pic.... hoping for a better day tomorrow, since it's lighter, but i def have to sing with the choir for a concert right at the end of my meeting for my major Project management group... wonder how that's gonna go.
and before i go, i introduced a friend of mine to blogging this week... check her out! kollegekouture.blogspot.com/
... nite all!
NEWHO i've got this project for multimedia due... thursday. we have most of it completed, its just the last few things, transitions, voice overs, etc that need to get done... as i was working with my group though, this thing called "senioritis" crept into my being.... the feeling of carelessness... especially for my next class... one of the few classes business majors have to take to walk, and have heard stories since freshman year about how horrible, the teacher and in turn the class is... the man (and i later learned its the same way across the board) gets excited if you get a 50% on his test!... he said very good to a girl that got a 68%... took me way off guard.. he does curve, which is good, but the man just can't teach! and the whole class... since like 2005 knows it! this is one class that will be the test of my college career... if i can get thru this, i know i'll be able to make it.. WOW!
NEWHO took my time coming back on campus. Stopped by the market to get a little something in my stomach, sat down and talked with a girl friend of mine about life in general... it really is just good to get stuff out sometimes. i was voted as the male senior with most school spirit, so i had to go take pictures for the yearbook spread for that.... never happened cuz the female never showed, and i had to get to choir practice which i was already late for. left in record time and made it to the library to join another girl friend of mine in a study room. ran into my play sister from atl, but the conversation me and the first girl had is what sticks... it was pretty deep about relationships, and her relating to guys, not being able to settle down, or realize the difference between a guy whose honestly interested and one that's just gonna play her down the road, either sooner or later... did get a text from my twin, a God-send, such a life text...1 Peter 4:10, 11... read it, marinate on it.... apply it... pretty amazing. ran into another friend of min leaving, who reminded me of my 365 project, so b4 i went home, i took a walk around campus... take in all of the day, wind down. got an OK shot of some shadows on a tree with it's limbs.... nothing major, but it got me a pic.... hoping for a better day tomorrow, since it's lighter, but i def have to sing with the choir for a concert right at the end of my meeting for my major Project management group... wonder how that's gonna go.
and before i go, i introduced a friend of mine to blogging this week... check her out! kollegekouture.blogspot.com/
... nite all!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
... long story short, i took a spanish clep exam today, didn't pass, and to my current knowledge, the score from this exam was what could catapult me into the graduation scene, or prevent me from receiving my degree at the intended date...
... so right now my options are 1- register for spanish 1 and 2 at an online school to show proof that i am enrolled in the needed courses (if it's not too late to do that...) and walk but don't receive the degree until WAY later, or 2- finish this semester with what i have, enroll in the two classes this fall, and walk next may with 2011.... i honestly am not all for walking this semester knowing the there is no degree coming until i complete to college spanish courses... it would be a fake excitement on my part... walking across the stage knowing i have more to do... a friend of mine brought up the idea that, this exercise really isn't for me, it's more for the family, parents, and supporters.... eh, i can partially agree with that, but i definitely am the one who sat thru 8 semesters of classes.... this has ALOT to do for me... completion of the requirements for a bachelors of business degree in information technology... (oh, but wait... i didn't! cuz i still have TWO courses to complete!)
this of course has to draw a spiritual/personal growth lesson. God has been working with me about putting things aside/procrastination beyond the depths of the normal battle, and it's sad that it's come to something as monumental as this to shake me, but God will go to the end of the world, grinding the very core of our being to get us to be completely dedicated to him, to refine our character, and have properly used that talents to HIS glory(one being time... management, check out Christ's Object Lessons, EGW, chapter on talents...) ... i think i get it God...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
.... if it wasn't for God...
i have a really hard time internalizing the fact that it's only God that allows/enables me to do certain things... i say it all the time... "only God" but i've been the one doing it all this time i never really think about the fact that it literally is only God that works in me to succeed at anything good... all good things come from Him, and me being a sinful man can only produce evil, so in essence, it truly IS only God that bring us to do acts of kindness, bring glory to His name, excel at whatever craft we set our hands to do. and when people say you did a good job.... yes, you did a good job of putting faith in the Father, and then working the problem out... as a child, the thought never comes to mind... with our parents growing us up in a certain way, we form habits, carry on tendencies, follow actions, but never truly consider why we do what we do, and what our true nature is, but when it boils down to the nitty gritty... if it wasn't for God....
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