had the opportunity of using the city transit system aloooot more than i every have in my life, particularly on a personal, individual level, and then with a friend or two as my trip went on. I've always had a semi notion of the kind of person that uses MARTA/METRO. the people who don't have cars, are short on money, and a number of other reasons. as i was on the train, i was then exposed to the plethora of people who, without shame use the transit system on a day to day basis. it can even become their choice, if not for life, definitely for a large part of their commute to their destinations. and the wide range of demographic differences was clearly distinguished and displayed as i traveled from station to station on the 4 to 5 routes available throughout metro DC and maryland. young people, old people, black and white, but also european, indian, asian, hispanic; each stemming from a different economic status, yet this one entity has brought them all together, no matter where they come from..

i think the most interesting thing about the METRO system besides the people was the architecture of transit network.. the tunnel stops, ground level stops and above ground stops where designed and crafted in an amazing way. not very detailed, but still very awesome, particularly the underground stations as you descend or ascend the stairs to your destination you see the amazing circular design wrapping around the train and station with 2-3 feet inlets in the walls that makes a wonderful pattern as it flows throughout the station.
all in all, my experience traveling on the DC METRO to get from place to place on my trip was amazing, so much so, that i want to use it as much as i can on my next trip. for the people, the sights and last but thankfully least, the small cost of riding!! :-)
Nice to see the METRO through someone else's eyes...and lens. Thanks for sharing your insight and photos, I love them!