Monday, January 25, 2010

The Questions of Life...

hey guys... so it's been a good minute since i've posted anything, not that i had anything consistent, but i really want this blog thing to be successful..

ever since school got back in session, my life has gone from 12 to 10,000, with classes, projects (starting already since i'm taking the highest level courses as a graduating senior, HALLELU) trying to keep up with current relationships, mend old ones, and carefully build new ones, life has been a blur. i did plan out a schedule of how i would use my time during the week. thing is with schedules, to make them successful, you've got to WORK them... anybody can plan, but to be a success, you have to actually implement the plan into your life. putting aside things that easily distract you, prioritization *UUGHH!*, and then trying to work my photography business into the whole picture... i honestly see school right now as a hindrance to my business growth, because i don't have the time i need to devote to working the biz. and people are still trying to get odd shoots off of me... Ivey does not do free photo shoots anymore! and of course my spiritual life plays a HUGE part in this whole mess. i'm thankful for people in my life who do remind me of where i need to be, spiritually, academically, socially (bugging me cuz i've not spent enough time with them), relationally (lord knows there are a few girls on this campus that I would love to spend some real time with, but is it truly the right time.. mercy Lord! and then what to do after school! UGH! the Biz? Grad school in savannah/atl at SCAD? take the continued internship/job offer in bham.... what to do... the questions of life....

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaaaay!!
    Your back!!!
    i'm so happy!!

    *call me if you (ever) need anything!!
