i found myself waking up to snow outside, and as a photographer i can't help but capture the images created as the phenomenon occurs... so i ventured out fro about 30 minutes. shot 103 frames, ended up with just 8 amazing shots, but that's the life of a photographer! my cousin commented on one of them i posted on flickr and said the one she liked is one that is a step out of my normal photography style. i take that in a good way. i know making what you do better is great, but being versatile is a plus as well...
i actually stopped to watch President Obama make is speech today. he addressed the issues of enhancing the nations airline security giving a summary of the plans several agencies presented to him to prevent possibly future attacks to the country. i particularly loved the seamlessness of his speech. never have i seen the Obama speak with notes or anything written to prompt him to each of his points, however he flowed with little effort mapping out the big picture of each agencies plan, and correlating it to the war on terrorism and against Al Qeada. and to top it off, he walked of stage with as much swag as a president can have, lol.
so i've been on facebook and twitted and many of the girls were posting random colors as their status... after a deep conversation on my status questioning what was going on, the truth came out. apparently there was a bbm that said because it was breast cancer awareness month all women should post the color of their bra as their status, and not to tell the guys.... a big secret... i don't see the point in that! even if we, the guys, knew why they were doing it, how will that help the BCA cause?... what purpose would it serve except to bring the mind to the breast. and in todays society the first thought would not be concerning wether or not that breast has or might have cancer! what really got me was these girls started putting up multiple colors... red black and white, pink, gray, etc.... the idea may have been good, but the whole secretive thing was really pointless to me. but i guess they fulfilled their mission in getting people like me riled up about it.
also had a talk with a friend of mine who i confide in about personal issues, specifically this time about my lack of motivation and drive in life. every so often i tend to feel extremely lazy and have no desire to be active in much, and it's a feeling i HATE because i despise idle hands. i've really just got to decide to do and act on my decision, then let God work in my life. it's only Him who gives the power both to will AND to do of his good pleasure, and it's His will that i want to do any way...
ReplyDeleteCousin ive been tryin to comment on this dingdang thing for forever!!
So i just created a blog to make it easy!
This is harshly hilarious!!
Proud of you!
Keep it up!